Cowboy Dances

A collection of Traditional Western Square Dances By Lloyd Shaw

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(3)   Introduction:
Salute partners, salute corners, Join hands and circle 'round, Swing 'em hard and trot 'em home.
(A shorter variant of the same introductory figure.)
(4)   Introduction:
All jump up and never come down, Swing your honey around and around, 'Till the hollotv of your foot makes a hole
in the ground, And promenade, oh promenade!
(Explanation: With a "holler" all jump as high as they can. As they come down each couple takes the modified dance position and spins dizzily until the call directs them to take the promenade position. They then promenade once around the circle to the right, counterclockwise, and back to their own places.)
(5)   Introduction:
One foot up and the other foot down, Grab your honey in your arms And turn her around, And allemande left as you come down. Now promenade your honey round,
(Explanation: Usually danced as in No. 3 with a jump into the air and then a vigorous swing with your partner. But sometimes it is danced literally by partners facing each other (or all facing center) and each raising the right knee as high as possible, in an exaggerated loosening-up exercise and then the left knee as high and the partners swing. Then each man turns to the lady on the left, and taking left hands with her turns once full around her and back to his partner with whom he promenades around the square and back to his own position.)